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Excess, drooping arm skin can be impossible to correct on your own – even with a healthy diet and workout regimen. When this occurs, an upper arm lift with Dr. Fenner can address this challenging problem area, revealing beautifully toned and sculpted arms.

The benefits

  • Sculpt smooth and contoured arms
  • Firm aging skin on the arms
  • Improve your self-esteem
  • Wear sleeveless tops with confidence

Are you a candidate?

A safe and highly effective procedure, the upper arm lift is generally appropriate for most of our patients. To be considered an ideal candidate, you should be:

  • At a stable weight: Future weight fluctuations can negatively affect your arm lift results. As such, it’s important to be committed to eating well and exercising regularly before and after surgery.
  • In good physical health: There are risks associated with all surgeries, including the arm lift. However, being in good general health reduces your risk of surgical complications.
  • Realistic about what the surgery can accomplish: The best arm lift candidates are men and women who want to improve their arms, not perfect them.
Fenner Plastic Surgery

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The procedure: What to expect

Dr. Fenner will perform your arm lift under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep and unable to feel any pain or discomfort. The entire procedure takes about one to two hours to complete and is done on an outpatient basis. As such, you will be free to return home shortly after surgery. To begin your arm lift, Dr. Fenner will create an incision discreetly located inside your upper arm.

Depending on the amount of excess skin you need removed, this incision can be completely hidden within the armpit or it can extend down to the elbow. Through that opening, Dr. Fenner can artfully sculpt the area and remove excess skin and unwanted fat. Once your arm has been reshaped, he will pull the remaining tissue taut,  carefully close the incisions to minimize scarring, and trim away any excess skin.

The recovery

After your arm lift, you can expect to stay home from work for two to three weeks while you recover. During this time, you will need to keep your arms elevated at all times to ensure an optimal healing process.

We recommend having a friend or family member stay with you during the initial recovery period, as completing routine daily tasks will be difficult. Some post-surgical soreness is normal and can be managed with pain medication prescribed by Dr. Fenner. Swelling and bruising is also common and should subside gradually within a few weeks.

It’s important to avoid all physical activity for the first couple of weeks, except for light walking around the house to promote healing and blood flow. Most patients can safely resume exercise and more strenuous activities within six weeks. However, Dr. Fenner will provide you with a personalized recovery timeline during your post-operative appointments.

Schedule a consultation

With one of Dr. Fenner’s arm lifts, it is possible to achieve toned and shapely arms. To discover what this procedure can do for you, please contact our Chicago office today and schedule a private consultation.

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(847) 250-4044